Интеллектуальные знакомства: Алексей You must be at least a <a href="https://www.lovecelestial.com/members/index.php?l=default&a=r">Silv er user</a> to view this field, 43, Ukraine, киев

Алексей, 43, киев. (Profile 5452)

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Gender Male
Name Алексей
Surname or spiritual name You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
Date of birth .05.1981   (Age: 43)
Zodiac sign Taurus
Country Ukraine
City киев
Nationalities Славяне
Family status Single / Unmarried
Children No children
Income Less than 1 000$

Творчество во всех проявлениях, развитие и совершенствование, расширение кругов познания, поиск запретных плодов в последовательности событий на планете Земля (возможно, и не только!), выход за рамки привычных теорий, поиск самих причин появления этих теорий, того, когда и кому это выгодно.

Интересуют вопросы происхождения и развития языков. Пишу стихи, сочиняю фельетоны, рассказы и прочую мелочь. Занимаюсь туризмом, тяжелой атлетикой и техникой выживания.
Всегда рад помочь всем, на что способен)
At free time * In the park or forest
Smoking Yes, I smoke but seldomly
Alcohol Yes, I drink but seldomly
Meat products Yes I eat meat
Cows milk I drink
Interests * Spiritual literature and communication, * Teaching, discussions and distribution of spiritual knowledge, * Philosophy, * Forbidden (Silenced) History / Archeology, * Hunting / Fishing, * Sport extreme, * Natural living (Ecological community settlements)
Music Lounge
Authors Лондон, Есенин, Танич, Желязны, Хэпгуд и пр.
Religious background PAGANISM
Spiritual education I know a lot, studied a lot of literature
Prayer / Meditation No. I don`t think I need to
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Height 5.70ft / 174sm
Weight 147pd / 67kg
Natural hair color Brown
Natural eye color Amber
Blood type Type1+ (O+)
Health issues Нет
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Marriage, birth and education of children, Creating a family in wealth and material prosperity, Intelligent communication with educated people
Intimacy It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Skype You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
Primary web page You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
Registration email You must be at least a Gold user to view this field
Maximal allowed age: 33
Seeking family status Virgin, Single / Unmarried, Divorced, Widow
Searching with children
No children, One child, Two children, Three chldren, More then three children
Seeking country Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia
Wanted spousal income
Less than 1 000$
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked, No, I stopped smoking, Yes, I smoke but seldomly, Yes, I smoke
Seeking alcohol preference No and never did, No, I stopped drinking, Yes, I drink but seldomly, Yes, I drink alcohol
Searching vegetarian or not
No, I do not, Yes, only fish and eggs, Yes, except cows meat, Yes I eat meat
Seeking by milk preference I drink, I drink but seldomly, I don`t drink (it does not digest)
Seeking by intimacy preferences It`s only for conceiving children, It`s not that important, It`s an important area of life, It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Searching religion
Seeking spiritual education I Don`t know much, I know a little, read some literature, I know enough, I know a lot, studied a lot of literature, Deep understanding in culture and scriptures, spiritual realizations
Seeking gender Female
Seeking age 18 - 33
Seeking height 5.11ft / 156sm - 5.74ft / 175sm
Seeking weight 88pd / 40kg - 154pd / 70kg
Seeking natural hair color Blonde, Brown, Auburn
Seeking natural eyes color Blue, Grey, Green, Greyish-Green, Brown, Amber
Searching blood type
Type1+ (O+), Type1- (O-), Type2+ (A+), Type2- (A-), Type3+ (B+), Type3- (B-), Type4+ (AB+), Type4- (AB-)
Registered on 09.07.2014
Last access 17.04.2016
User type Registered user
User online status Offline
Favorites list You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
Forum posts 0
Profile views 2256
Popularity 0.00

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