Statistics by Countries | |
Russia | 9181 |
6739 | |
Ukraine | 1513 |
Belarus | 386 |
Kazakhstan | 170 |
India | 127 |
Germany | 127 |
United States of America | 65 |
Latvia | 60 |
Moldova | 50 |
Israel | 41 |
Canada | 39 |
Estonia | 29 |
Lithuania | 27 |
United Kingdom | 26 |
Italy | 26 |
France | 25 |
Armenia | 19 |
Kyrgyzstan | 16 |
Spain | 16 |
Czech Republic | 16 |
Finland | 14 |
Poland | 14 |
Uzbekistan | 12 |
Austria | 12 |
Turkey | 12 |
Netherlands | 11 |
Australia | 11 |
Georgia | 11 |
Bulgaria | 10 |
Azerbaijan | 10 |
Sweden | 10 |
Egypt | 10 |
Switzerland | 10 |
Greece | 9 |
Cyprus | 5 |
Algeria | 5 |
Japan | 5 |
Norway | 4 |
Belgium | 4 |
China | 4 |
Hungary | 4 |
Thailand | 4 |
Denmark | 3 |
Ecuador | 3 |
Slovak Republic | 3 |
Ireland | 3 |
Brazil | 2 |
Iraq | 2 |
United Arab Emirates | 2 |
South Korea | 2 |
Indonesia | 2 |
Singapore | 2 |
Nigeria | 2 |
Serbia | 2 |
Philippines | 2 |
Malaysia | 2 |
Argentina | 2 |
Lebanon | 2 |
Slovenia | 2 |
Nepal | 2 |
Portugal | 1 |
Turkmenistan | 1 |
Iceland | 1 |
Ethiopia | 1 |
Bolivia | 1 |
Morocco | 1 |
Sudan | 1 |
Croatia | 1 |
North Korea | 1 |
Tajikistan | 1 |
Yugoslavia | 1 |
Kuwait | 1 |
Mongolia | 1 |
Brunei | 1 |
Romania | 1 |
New Zealand | 1 |
Bahamas | 1 |
Angola | 1 |
Mauritania | 1 |
Albania | 1 |
Mexico | 1 |
Gambia | 1 |
Iran | 1 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 1 |
Bangladesh | 1 |
Family status | |
Does not matter | 7117 |
Single / Unmarried | 6816 |
Divorced | 3886 |
Virgin | 544 |
Widow | 424 |
In relationship | 167 |
Level of spiritual education | |
Does not matter | 11191 |
I know enough | 2892 |
I know a little, read some literature | 2778 |
I know a lot, studied a lot of literature | 815 |
I Don`t know much | 651 |
Deep understanding in culture and scriptures, spiritual realizations | 627 |
Your natural eye color | |
Does not matter | 7830 |
Brown | 3353 |
Blue | 2447 |
Green | 1934 |
Grey | 1543 |
Greyish-Green | 1441 |
Amber | 406 |
Intimacy preference | |
Does not matter | 10526 |
It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship | 5823 |
It`s an important area of life | 1316 |
It`s not that important | 965 |
It`s only for conceiving children | 324 |
Education | |
Does not matter | 9903 |
University | 5579 |
College | 1750 |
Two or more Universities | 1041 |
School-Secondary | 262 |
School- Primary | 186 |
Masters degree | 149 |
Doctor | 84 |
Smoking | |
No, I never smoked | 11291 |
Does not matter | 6201 |
No, I stopped smoking | 585 |
Yes, I smoke | 443 |
Yes, I smoke but seldomly | 434 |
Alcohol | |
No and never did | 10012 |
Does not matter | 6508 |
Yes, I drink but seldomly | 2056 |
No, I stopped drinking | 347 |
Yes, I drink alcohol | 31 |
Cows milk | |
Does not matter | 9669 |
I drink but seldomly | 4100 |
I drink | 3717 |
I don`t drink (it does not digest) | 1468 |
Zodiac sign | |
Cancer | 1715 |
Gemini | 1700 |
Leo | 1688 |
Taurus | 1683 |
Capricorn | 1607 |
Pisces | 1568 |
Aquarius | 1561 |
Aries | 1542 |
Virgo | 1521 |
Libra | 1505 |
Sagittarius | 1503 |
Scorpion | 1361 |
Children | |
Does not matter | 8351 |
No children | 6480 |
One child | 2562 |
Two children | 1233 |
Three chldren | 242 |
More then three children | 86 |
Religious background | |
Does not matter | 11466 |
HINDUISM | 1521 |
PAGANISM | 1377 |
BUDDHISM | 229 |
ISLAM | 99 |
JUDAISM | 28 |
Meat products | |
Does not matter | 9373 |
No, I do not | 4872 |
Yes I eat meat | 3003 |
Yes, only fish and eggs | 1244 |
Yes, except cows meat | 462 |