Интеллектуальные знакомства: Arjan You must be at least a <a href="https://www.lovecelestial.com/members/index.php?l=default&a=r">Silv er user</a> to view this field, 29, India, Kolkata

Arjan, 29, Kolkata. (Profile 28382)

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Gender Male
Name Arjan
Surname or spiritual name You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
Date of birth .10.1995   (Age: 29)
Zodiac sign Libra
Country India
City Kolkata
Nationalities Indian
Family status Single / Unmarried
Children No children
Education University
Income Around 35 000$ per year
Work Engineering
Known languages English, Hindi
Харе Кришна!
Меня зовут Арьян. Я ищу здесь свою «Радху».
Я никогда не была замужем, у меня нет детей.
Я индийский бенгальский индуист, поселившийся в Калькутте (Калькутта) в Индии. Я из касты Каястха Пандитов Брахманов (Сукалин готра).
В настоящее время я работаю исполнительным инженером (сотрудник группы А) в правительстве Индии.
Я зарабатываю шестизначную сумму в месяц (INR) в Индии. У меня есть собственная квартира в Калькутте, недалеко от Маяпура.
Как учёный-инженер, я очень люблю науку и духовность (не религиозность). Согласно Ведам, наука и духовность взаимосвязаны.
Меня не интересует, есть ли у женщины кулинарные навыки или нет. Ищу ЖЕНУ, а не СЛУЖАВКУ.
У меня есть повар и служанка, которая делает всю работу по дому. Так что мне эти навыки от будущей жены не нужны. Я ищу духовную, хорошо образованную, научную, романтическую, интеллектуальную, страстную женщину, которая хочет построить со мной счастливую семейную жизнь. Чистота характера и нравственность являются для меня важными добродетелями, поскольку я не строго религиозен, а духовен.
Ищу серьезные отношения, ведущие к браку. У женщины не должно возникнуть проблем с переездом в Калькутту.
Я открыт для знакомства с женщиной другой национальности или культурного происхождения.
P.S.: Мне не нравятся женщины-золотоискатели. Я хочу отношений, основанных на доверии и взаимном уважении. Если женщина не хочет работать, у меня нет проблем, поскольку я один могу с комфортом управлять расходами семьи. Но женщина не должна думать обо мне как о банкомате.

Hare Krishna!
My name is Arjan. I am searching for my "Radha" here.
I have never married, I have no children.
I am an Indian Hindu Bengali man settled in Kolkata (Calcutta) in India. I am from Kayastha Pandit Brahman caste (Soukalin gotra).
I am currently working as an Executive Engineer (Group A officer) at the Government of India.
I am earning six figures per month (INR) in India. I have my own apartment in Kolkata which is located near to Mayapur.
As an engineering scientist, I greatly love science and spirituality (not religiosity). Science and spirituality are interconnected as per vedas.
I am not interested in knowing whether the woman has cooking skills or not. I am looking for a WIFE, not a MAID SERVANT.
I have a cook and I have a maidservant who does all household chores. So I don’t need these skills from my future wife. I am looking for a woman who is spiritual, well-educated, scientific, romantic, intellectual, passionate and wants to build a happy married life with me. Purity of character and morality are important virtues for me as I am not strictly religious but spiritual.
I am seeking a serious relationship leading to marriage. The woman should have no problem with relocating to Kolkata.
I am open to dating a woman from a different nationality or cultural background.
P.S.: I do not like women who are gold diggers. I want a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. If the woman doesn’t want to work, I have no problems as I can alone comfortably manage the expenses of a family. But the woman should not think of me as an ATM.
At free time * In a nice and quiet place
Smoking No, I never smoked
Alcohol No and never did
Meat products Yes, only fish and eggs
Cows milk I drink but seldomly
Interests * Spiritual literature and communication, * Temple visiting, * Philosophy, * Yoga for Health (excersizes, asanas & "hatha yoga"), * Yoga for Spiritual Progress (no excersises or asanas), * Music / Movies, * Politics, * Social Issues / Societal Problems, * Cultures & History of long ago (India, China, Egypt, etc.), * Culture contemporary (fashion, pop-stars, etc.), * Technics / Computers / Electronics, * Mechanics / Engines, * Sport professionally (gym or lessons), * Sports games to watch, * Animals, * Games (board, computer, etc.)
Movies Interstellar, The Prestige, Inception, Shutter Island
Music Linkin Park
Authors Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, Inferno by Dan Brown
Religious background HINDUISM
Spiritual education I know enough
Prayer / Meditation Sometimes
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Pagan religions
Slavic-European Vedas / Paleo-Paganism, Rodnoverie- Slavic Paganism, Asatru / Odinism- European Paganism, Druidry- Celtic Paganism
Hinduism Vishnuism & Vaishnav sampradayas, Shivaism & Shaiva sampradayas, Shaktism (Mahadevi, Kali Ma, Tantrism), Smartism (Vishnu Shiva Ganesha Shakti), Jainism
Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana, Other Buddhism
Orthodox Judaism, Hasidiс Judaism, Messianic Judaism, Other Judaism
Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Mormon
Other religions Esotericism / New Age, Zoroastrianism
Height 6.06ft / 185sm
Weight 187pd / 85kg
Natural hair color Black
Natural eye color Brown
Blood type Type3+ (B+)
Health issues No
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Marriage, birth and education of children, Creating a family in wealth and material prosperity
Type of family realtions * The husband is the head of the family and the wife follows his wise instructions
, * The husband earns well, the wife does not work but with knowledge inspires him for even greater feats in his sphere of activity
, * The husband works and provides for the family, the wife works around the house and takes care of her husband
, * Both have equal rights in the family and equal duties
, * What`s important is love and understanding, everything else not important!
Priority Family
Willingness to have children I want more than one child
I have: * House / Apartment (own property), * Automobile, * Good, profitable work, * Good taste, style and manners, * Perfect physical appearances, * Intelligence, and analytical ability, * Higher education, * Spiritual education, level, realizations, * Reputation in society, connections, influential friends, * Lovely, kind character
Intimacy It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Primary web page https://vk.com/arjanghosh
Secondary web page https://www.facebook.com/arjanghosh
Telephone, email arjanghosh5@gmail.com
Registration email You must be at least a Gold user to view this field
Maximal allowed age: 39
Potential spouse must have: * Good taste, style and manners, * Perfect physical look & shape, * Intelligence, analytical abilities, * Spiritual education, level, realisations, * Lovely, kind character, * Grandiose plans for the future
Seeking family status Virgin, Single / Unmarried
Searching with children
No children
Seeking level of education College, University, Two or more Universities, Masters degree, Doctor
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked, No, I stopped smoking
Seeking alcohol preference No and never did, No, I stopped drinking
Searching vegetarian or not
No, I do not, Yes, only fish and eggs, Yes, except cows meat
Searching by priority in life Spiritual life, Family, Creativity, Work / Career
Searching by the preference to have children I want more than one child
Seeking by intimacy preferences It`s an important area of life, It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Searching religion
Seeking gender Female
Seeking age 19 - 39
Seeking height 5.21ft / 159sm - To Any
Seeking weight From Any - 154pd / 70kg
Registered on 02.12.2024
Last access Yesterday, 23:59:58
User type Silver user
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