Интеллектуальные знакомства: Павел Владимирович , 32, Russia, Республика Татарстан

Павел Владимирович, 32, Республика Татарстан. (Profile 28374)

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Gender Male
Name Павел Владимирович
Date of birth .07.1992   (Age: 32)
Zodiac sign Cancer
Country Russia
City Республика Татарстан
Family status Single / Unmarried
Children No children
Education University
Known languages Russian, English
Павел, 32/177/80
Республика Татарстан.
Я в поиске девушки для создания семьи. Желательно из сельской местности, ищу заботливую, не избалованную, хозяйственную. Много писать не буду, всё остальное расскажу при личном общении...
Немного о себе, имею высшее образование, не курю, не пью. Умею и люблю работать, так как любой труд это движение вперёд, к определëнной цели...
Всем здоровья, и найти по настоящему СВОЕГО человека.
At free time * In a nice and quiet place
Smoking No, I never smoked
Alcohol No and never did
Meat products Yes I eat meat
Cows milk I don`t drink (it does not digest)
Interests * Crafts / Home improvement, * Technics / Computers / Electronics, * Mechanics / Engines, * Sport for health (running, excersizes), * Travelling, * Nature (observing, bird feeding, relaxing, etc.), * Natural living (Ecological community settlements), * Gardens, * Sex health
Religious background CHRISTIANITY
Spiritual education I know enough
Prayer / Meditation Sometimes
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Eastern Orthodox
Height 5.83ft / 178sm
Weight 176pd / 80kg
Natural hair color Blonde
Natural eye color Blue
Blood type Type3- (B-)
Here for Marriage, birth and education of children, Creating a family in wealth and material prosperity, Intelligent communication with educated people, For friendship and dating
Type of family realtions * Both have equal rights in the family and equal duties
, * What`s important is love and understanding, everything else not important!
Priority Sports / Health / Development
Willingness to have children I want more than one child
I have: * House / Apartment (own property), * Automobile, * Intelligence, and analytical ability, * Higher education, * Farm animals, * Household animals (pets), * Potency, and skills in "love"
Intimacy It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Telephone, email You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
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Maximal allowed age: 30
Potential spouse must have: * House / Apartment (own property), * Intelligence, analytical abilities, * Higher education, * Lovely, kind character, * Potency and skills in "love making"
Seeking family status Virgin, Single / Unmarried
Seeking country Belarus, Russia
Seeking level of education University, Two or more Universities, Masters degree, Doctor
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked
Seeking alcohol preference No and never did
Searching vegetarian or not
Yes I eat meat
Searching by priority in life Family, Work / Career, Recreation / Travel, Sports / Health / Development
Searching by the preference to have children I want more than one child
Seeking by intimacy preferences It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Searching religion
Seeking gender Female
Seeking age 20 - 30
Seeking height 5.57ft / 170sm - To Any
Seeking weight 154pd / 70kg - To Any
Registered on 29.11.2024
Last access 02.12.2024
User type Registered user
User online status Offline
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Profile views 66
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