Интеллектуальные знакомства: Вячеслав , 30, Russia, Москва

Вячеслав, 30, Москва. (Profile 24165)

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Gender Male
Name Вячеслав
Date of birth .10.1993   (Age: 30)
Zodiac sign Libra
Country Russia
City Москва
Family status Single / Unmarried
Children No children
Education University
Known languages Russian, English, French
Ищу для начала простого человеческого общения с перспективой построения отношений.
At free time * No matter how, as long as I get to know something new!
Smoking Yes, I smoke
Alcohol Yes, I drink but seldomly
Meat products Yes I eat meat
Cows milk I drink but seldomly
Interests * Spiritual literature and communication, * Teaching, discussions and distribution of spiritual knowledge, * Psychology, * Philosophy, * Teosophy / Esoteric knowledge / New age, * Kosmology / Ufology, * Astrology, * Yoga for Health (excersizes, asanas & "hatha yoga"), * Yoga for Spiritual Progress (no excersises or asanas), * Pranayama (Tsigun), * Music / Movies, * Politics, * Forbidden (Silenced) History / Archeology, * Social Issues / Societal Problems, * Culture & History of the Slavic / European peoples, * Cultures & History of long ago (India, China, Egypt, etc.), * Culture contemporary (fashion, pop-stars, etc.), * Arts (museums, theaters, exhibitions), * Photography / Video, * Fasting, * Business and money, * Technics / Computers / Electronics, * Sport for health (running, excersizes), * Sport extreme, * Travelling, * Nature (observing, bird feeding, relaxing, etc.), * Sea life (living near, sailing, diving etc.), * Animals, * Flowers, * Games (board, computer, etc.), * Sex health
Music Меломан
Authors Джордж Оруэлл , Оскар Уайльд , Олдос Хаксли , Чак Паланик , Эрнест Хемингуэй , Рэй Брэдбери, Чарльз Буковски, Уильям Берроуз, Виктор Пелевин.
Religious background BUDDHISM
Spiritual education I know a little, read some literature
Prayer / Meditation Sometimes
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Height 5.97ft / 182sm
Weight 145pd / 66kg
Natural hair color Brown
Natural eye color Brown
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Marriage, birth and education of children, Creating a family in wealth and material prosperity, Intelligent communication with educated people, For friendship and dating
Willingness to have children Only under certain conditions
I have: * House / Apartment (own property), * Good taste, style and manners, * Perfect physical appearances, * Intelligence, and analytical ability, * Higher education, * Spiritual education, level, realizations, * Lovely, kind character, * Potency, and skills in "love", * Much of the above but in the future
Intimacy It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Registration email You must be at least a Gold user to view this field
Maximal allowed age: 40
Seeking family status Virgin, Single / Unmarried, In relationship, Divorced, Widow
Seeking country Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Spain, United States of America
Seeking by intimacy preferences It`s an important area of life, It`s an integral part of healthy, happy relationship
Seeking gender Female
Seeking age 18 - 40
Seeking height 4.75ft / 145sm - 6.23ft / 190sm
Seeking weight 88pd / 40kg - 176pd / 80kg
Registered on 01.04.2022
Last access 27.01.2024
User type Registered user
User online status Offline
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Forum posts 0
Profile views 651
Popularity 0.08

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