Серьёзные знакомства: Дмитрий , 28, Russia, Владивосток

Дмитрий, 28, Владивосток. (Profile 17247)

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Gender Male
Name Дмитрий
Date of birth .09.1995   (Age: 28)
Zodiac sign Virgo
Country Russia
City Владивосток
Family status Single / Unmarried
Children No children
Work Строитель
Я Дмитрий. Я планирую жить на родовом поместье в поселении "Родное" Приморский край Партизанский район близь села Николаевка, на поместье взрастить райский сад, построить небольшой, тёплый и уютный дом, с северной стороны поместья хвойники на слоне сопки, ещё рядом есть ручей с вкуснейшей водой, можно будет сделать прудик. Ещё планирую сыроедить и другое альтернативное питание. Хочу попутешествовать. Я заботливый, добрый, понимающий, чуткий, взаимный, скромный, спокойный, умный, могу быть весёлым, остальное сама увидишь. Ищи красивую богиню, которая будет Любить меня и вдохновлять на развитие и достижения различных целей, понимать меня и поддерживать, общительную и весёлую; приветствуется умение выращивать что либо, знание растений, лечебные способности (знахарство), умение: петь и танцевать, шить и вышивать, готовить вкусняшки, наводить порядок, чистоту и красоту, воспитывать детей.
At free time
Smoking No, I never smoked
Alcohol No and never did
Meat products Yes, only fish and eggs
Cows milk I drink but seldomly
Interests * Crafts / Home improvement, * Photography / Video, * Cooking / Dining, * Vegetarianism, * Alternative diet (raw food, vegan etc. , * Fasting, * Minimalism, * Sport for health (running, excersizes), * Travelling, * Nature (observing, bird feeding, relaxing, etc.), * Natural living (Ecological community settlements), * Sea life (living near, sailing, diving etc.), * Flowers, * Gardens
Movies Звёздочки на земле, Пикей, Три идиота, Повар, и другие фильмы в которых есть над чем задуматься, Гарри Поттер и вселенная связанная с ним.
Music Солнечные барды, авторский театр
Authors Владимир Мегре
Spiritual education I Don`t know much
Prayer / Meditation I use positive thinking
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Height 6.03ft / 184sm
Weight 132pd / 60kg
Natural hair color Blonde
Natural eye color Blue
Blood type Type2+ (A+)
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Marriage, birth and education of children
Type of family realtions * A spiritual or creative husband earns as much as he can, his wife does not work, does not demand and gently inspires him to spirituality or creativity
, * The husband earns well, the wife does not work but with knowledge inspires him for even greater feats in his sphere of activity
, * The husband works and provides for the family, the wife works around the house and takes care of her husband
, * Both have equal rights in the family and equal duties
, * Both have equal rights in the family but separate duties
, * What`s important is love and understanding, everything else not important!
, * The husband is the master and the head of the family and his wife is a faithful and obedient assistant
, * The wife is the mistress and the head of the family and her husband is faithful, courteous assistant
Priority Family
Willingness to have children I want more than one child
I have: * Intelligence, and analytical ability, * Lovely, kind character, * Much of the above but in the future
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Maximal allowed age: 23
Potential spouse must have: * Perfect physical look & shape, * Intelligence, analytical abilities, * Lovely, kind character, * Grandiose plans for the future
Seeking family status Virgin, Single / Unmarried
Seeking country Russia
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked
Seeking alcohol preference No and never did
Searching vegetarian or not
No, I do not, Yes, only fish and eggs
Searching by priority in life Family, Creativity, Recreation / Travel, Friends / Communication / Society, Sports / Health / Development
Searching by the preference to have children I want more than one child
Seeking by milk preference I drink but seldomly, I don`t drink (it does not digest)
Seeking gender Female
Seeking age 14 - 23
Seeking height 4.92ft / 150sm - 6.06ft / 185sm
Seeking weight 88pd / 40kg - 132pd / 60kg
Seeking natural hair color Blonde, Red
Seeking natural eyes color Blue
Registered on 07.02.2020
Last access 13.03.2024
User type Registered user
User online status Offline
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