Серьёзные знакомства: Юлия , 45, Germany, Берлин

Юлия, 45, Берлин. (Profile 17102)

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Gender Female
Name Юлия
Date of birth .01.1979   (Age: 45)
Zodiac sign Aquarius
Nakshatra Anuradha-Deer-Deva-Pitta
Country Germany
City Берлин
Family status Divorced
Children Two children
Education University
Work Здоровье, служение старшим
О себе: счастлииииваяяяя! Мамочка чудесных двойняшек, ведущая женских практик, занимаюсь традиционной китайской медициной, рефлексотерапией, аюрведой, кинезиологией. Люблю: живые цветы, музыку, наряды и крашения, красоту и прасад. И ещё: есть нежность и уважение к Мужчине, я наполнилась ими доверху и готова дарить их единственному Любимому. Чувствую желание занять своё место рядом с Мужчиной, который определился со своей высшей целью и двигается к ней. О тебе: целеустремленный, смелый и щедрый. У тебя есть высокая цель и духовный наставник. Высокий, спортивный, уверенный.
Smoking No, I never smoked
Alcohol No and never did
Meat products No, I do not
Cows milk I drink
Interests * Spiritual literature and communication, * Temple visiting, * Teaching, discussions and distribution of spiritual knowledge, * Psychology, * Yoga for Health (excersizes, asanas & "hatha yoga"), * Pranayama (Tsigun), * Music / Singing (professionally or lessons), * Music / Movies, * Social Issues / Societal Problems, * Crafts / Home improvement, * Cooking / Dining, * Vegetarianism, * Fasting, * Alternative medicine- Ayurveda, herbs, oils, etc., * Sport for health (running, excersizes), * Travelling, * Nature (observing, bird feeding, relaxing, etc.), * Sea life (living near, sailing, diving etc.)
Religious background HINDUISM
Spiritual education I know a little, read some literature
Prayer / Meditation Yes I do
Person of other faith? Yes, if the person is nice and respectful
Hinduism Vishnuism & Vaishnav sampradayas
Height 5.74ft / 175sm
Weight 138pd / 63kg
Natural hair color Blonde
Natural eye color Green
Health issues Нет
Here for Spiritual help in family union, Marriage, birth and education of children, Creating a family in wealth and material prosperity, Intelligent communication with educated people
Type of family realtions * The husband is the head of the family and the wife follows his wise instructions
, * The husband is the master and the head of the family and his wife is a faithful and obedient assistant
Priority Spiritual life
Primary web page You must be at least a Silver user to view this field
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Registration email You must be at least a Gold user to view this field
Maximal allowed age: 49
Seeking country Germany
Seeking smoking preference No, I never smoked
Seeking alcohol preference No and never did
Searching vegetarian or not
No, I do not
Searching by priority in life Spiritual life, Family, Work / Career, Recreation / Travel, Friends / Communication / Society, Sports / Health / Development, Other, read what I write about myself
Seeking spiritual education I know enough, I know a lot, studied a lot of literature, Deep understanding in culture and scriptures, spiritual realizations
Seeking gender Male
Seeking age 37 - 49
Seeking height 6.59ft / 201sm - 5.90ft / 180sm
Seeking weight From Any - To Any
Registered on 15.01.2020
Last access 26.02.2024
User type Registered user
User online status Offline
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Forum posts 0
Profile views 1652
Popularity 0.03

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